Rudraksha trees are mostly found in South
Eastern Asian Islands of Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Iran, Java,
Timor (Indonesia) and parts of South Asian Kingdom of Nepal. Around
70% of the Rudraksha trees are found in Indonesia, 25% in Nepal
and 5% in India. Considered a major stress reliever, reducing circulatory
problems and of course as the best beads, the berry (Elaeocarpus
Ganitrus) was first spotted in Indonesia and is now grown in Nepal
and Hardware. However, because it is expensive, clinical research
of its medicinal properties has not been possible, often resulting
in the berry being subjected to esoteric mumbo jumbo.
There are clefts called Mukhi on the surface
of the beads. The number of Mukhi on the surface of a
beads helps in determining its quality. According to the number of Mukhi the Rudraksha bead ranges from single face to a several
faced bead. Asians have used Rudraksha beads traditionally. Asian
Yogis and Monks found that merely wearing the Rudraksha beads gave
them astonishingly tremendous amount of tranquility, concentration
that helped them meditate for a long period of time with spectacular
control over their mind.

Shiva is always portrayed wearing rosaries of Rudraksha beads on his
head, arms and hands. With this came the religious and spiritual significance
of Rudraksha. It is believed that the seed of Rudraksha contains the
secrets of the entire evolution of the cosmos within it. The sages and
yogis of the himalayas, who live according to the Eternal Natural Law
of Sanatana Dharma, have always been wearing Rudraksha for centuries
for a fearless life on their path to spiritual Enlightenment and Liberation.
dedicated to Lord Shiva always wear Rudraksha as rosaries which are
used in meditation; it helps to maintain good health, to gain self-empowerment
and a fearless life. Rudraksha are noted for their divine protection
and are worn on the body singly or as chains (Mala).
the holy rudraksha tree is known as 'Elaeocarpus ganitrus Roxb' and
belongs to the family Tiliaceae, a large evergreen broad-leaved tree
with a wide crown. Altitude-wise, its habitat starts from sea-coast
and goes up to 2,000 meters. Geographically it is found growing naturally
and abundantly in tropical and subtropical areas. The trees are perennial
in habitat. The trees are almost 15 to 60 meter in height. This tree
grows fast and carries these seeds/fruits within seven years. These
trees are mostly found in abundance in Nepal, in the Himalayan slopes
and also in parts of India, Indonesia and Malaysia. Its English name
is Utrasum Bead Tree. In Indonesia the Rudraksha Tree is called Ganitri
Tree or Jenitri Tree. Around 70% of the Rudraksha trees are found in
Indonesia, 25% in Nepal and 5% in India.
beads are the seeds of the Rudraksha fruit obtained from Rudraksha trees.
Rudraksha beads are covered by an outer shell of blue color on fully
ripening, so they are also called blueberry beads and the sweet tasting
fruitflesh can be used for treatment of various diseases. It is kept
in water for a number of days and then Rudraksha is taken out after
peeling off the pulp and brushing it clean.
is a rare gift of nature to mankind in the sense, that most beads come
with a natural hole drilled in the centre, as if nature intended man
to use the rudraksha bead to form a chain. Such rudraksha beads are
considered especially auspicious. Rudraksha is often believed to symbolize
the link between earth and heaven, between man and god. Hence Rudraksha
is the object of veneration and also a source to reach the higher self.
seed also possesses from 1 to 38 vertical lines running down its surface,
like the longitude lines on a globe. These lines are known as mukhi,
or faces, and are natural formations of the seed. Seeds with one vertical
line are known as Eka-mukhi (one facet), which are very rare; those
with two lines are Dvi-mukhi (two facets), and so on. Each bead has
different effects on the wearer, depending on the number of mukhi or
faces it has. Each of the many types of Rudraksha Beads have a governing
Deity and specific powers and properties.
per the Vedic scriptures, Rudraksha beads possess mystical and divine
properties and can nullify the effects of malefic planets to a great
extent. They offer protection to the wearer. No other bead is considered
to be as auspicious and powerful as a Rudraksha.
unique properties and divine powers of Rudraksha have been described
in the authentic Shastras like the Rudraksha Jabala Upanishad, Padma
Purana, Shiva Purana, Devi Purana and Bhagavat Purana. The benefits
of this miraculous bead have been flowing to the users/ wearers from
time immemorial. Rudraksha, is the most powerful and awesome bead ever,
offering protection to its wearer. This bead can help you achieve all
you want - a healthy mind, body and soul, a wealthy life that many dream
of and only some achieve, and a happy soul.
comes in many sizes and faces also called "mukhi" meaning
"the clefts or furrows or faces on the surface".
According to Shastra (Scripture) there are up to 38 mukhi or faces
found on Rudraksha, but Rudraksha of 1 to 14 mukhi are the most
commonly available ones. And 5 or 6 are the vast majority.
of the Rudraksha found are with 5 mukhi. It is very rough, hard and
tough and can be boiled in hot water for hours without problem. This
procedure is sometimes used for testing rare and expensive Rudraksha
from the Market for it's genuineness. To verify the authenticity of
the numbers of mukhi, an x-ray photo can be taken as well.
mukhi Rudraksha has unique properties and provides various scientific,
medical and spiritual benefits.
Rudraksha comes in four basic shades: white, red, brown and black. The
different colours relate to the social/ religious order of Varna-Ashrama-Dharma.
White= for brahmana, red=for kshatriya, brown= for vaishya, black= for
(One Face) Rudraksha:
faced Rudraksha is Shiva himself, which provides the fruits of salvation
and liberation. Only its glimpse will already rectify brahma-hatya
(the killing of a Brahmana). This Rudraksha is considered to be the
king of all Rudraksha and represents Pure Consciousness.
It improves the concentration and mental constitution of the wearer.
it comes in the shape of cashew nut or half moon. A round Eka-Mukhi
(Gol-Dhana Rudraksha) is very rare. The wearer gains both, luxuries
and Moksha (salvation). He lives a royal life and enjoys all the comforts
at his command, still remaining unattached. Good social and financial
status and positive worldly perspectives are bestowed upon wearing
one mukhi Rudraksha.
of: Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet: Sun
Mantras: Om Namah Shivaya, Om Hrim Namaha
Recommended for: Headache, Heart Disease, Blood Pressur and Right
Eye Defect.
(Two Faces) Rudraksha:
is the form of Devdeveshwar and symbolizes the unite form of Shiva
and Parvati, also commonly known as Ardhnareshwar. It harbors
immense mystical power. Vedic scriptures boast about the belief that
two mukhi Rudraksha carries the entire evolution of cosmos within
and thus it is a special blessing to mankind. Two natural lines or
faces are found on two mukhi Rudraksha which is its key identification.
It comes in oval shape. The use of two-mukhi Rudraksha beads fastened
on a red thread activates its immense power for reaping maximum benefits.
Those who wear it, are believed to have immense fame, it denotes trustworthiness
and devotion, it reflects efficiently on married life of a couple.
Good for Mental Peace and Pregnancy.
of: Ardhanarishwara
Ruling Planet: Moon
Mantra: Om Shiva Shakti Namaha
Recommended for: Left Eye Defect, Diseases of Heart, Lung, Brain,
Kidney and Intestine.
Rudraksha with three faces is the symbol of the Three Devatas i.e.
(Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha) and is very powerful like the Firegod
Himself. The person who wears this Rudraksha will always get the blessings
of the three devas accompanied by the three powers, manifesting as
the fire-god Agni. The way fire consumes everything and still remains
pure, the wearer too gets free from all sins or wrongs of his life
and returns to purity when blessed. The sins earned in past births
of him, on whom it remains, are burnt as fire burns fuel.
He who wears a Rudraksha of three faces on his body, will have past
sins burned to ashes and gets purified in his mind and soul. He will
not be overcome with disease, miseries and sorrow. Three
faced Rudraksha directly delivers the fruits of sadhana. All education
is distinguished by its effect. The wearer of this Rudraksha get success
in all of his works.
of: Agni, God of Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Mantras: Om Klim Namah, Om Namah Shivaya
Recommended for: Blood defect, plague, small pox, digestive problems,
blood pressure, weakness, disturbed menstrual cycle, spontaneous abortion
and ulcer.
symbolizes Lord Brahma (the God of Creation) and is worshipped as
the symbol of Chaturanan (the one with 4 faces / heads). The wearer
of this Rudraksha will gain the four aims of Human Life, called 'dharma-artha-kama-moksha'
i.e. Virtue, Wealth, Pleasure and Emancipation.
Visually, four linings from head to bottom are observed on four mukhi
Rudraksha at equal distance. This signifies the four facets of Brahma
leading to humanitys eternal quest for knowledge, meaning, action
or fate and freedom.
It increases confidence and devotional power and is good for meditation
and yoga. If a person wears it on neck or arm, s/he can attain enormous
of: Lord Brahma
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mantra: Om Hrim Namah
Recommended for: Mental disease, paralysis, arthritis, yellow fever,
and nasal disease.
represents the form of Shiva termed as 'kala-agni-rudra'. Symbolizes
Pancheswar or Panchmukhi Shiva. It is also associated with the five
Pandavas and the fife Elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether. Five
Mukhi Rudraksha controls the five elements in the body of the wearer,
therefore kills all diseases related to these elements. This Rudraksha
delivers all liberation and fulfills all wishes.
a garland of small beads of panch mukhi or drinking water in which
panch mukhi is soaked are deemed highly effective for curing Heart
Diseases, Blood Pressure or Mental Imbalance.
Five Mukhi Rudraksha is equivalently auspicious & suitable to Sadhu
(saint) and Grihasta (family man). Wearing panch mukhi is instrumental
in attaining a long and peaceful life. It is a highly effective kind,
bestowing prosperity. The wearer of this Rudraksha gains health and
of: Lord Shiva (Kala-Agni Rudra)
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Mantra: Om Hrim Namah
Recommended for: Bone Marrow, Liver, Kidney, Feet, Thigh, Ear, diseases
of fat and Diabetes.
is very dear to Lord Karttikeya (Lord Shiva’s second son) and
is the source of his energy. This Rudraksha has to be worn on the
right hand. Even goddess Parvati has graced six mukhi Rudraksha with
her eternal blessings. It
gives learning, wisdom and knowledge, increases confidence and will
power and helps maintain Brahmacharya (Celibacy). Moreover, it saves
us from the worldly sorrows.
this kind can help one attain Control over anger, greediness and improper
thoughts. It enhances concentration, mental sharpness, will power,
sexual harmony, self-confidence, self-esteem and personality. It blesses
the wearer with the key to success, glory, fame, physical strength,
luxury, wisdom, wealth, name, power, blissful marital life, family
harmony, charismatic personality, prosperity, good career prospect
and positive perspectives towards life.
of: Lord Kartikeya
Ruling Planet: Venus (Shukra).
Mantra: Om Hrim Hum Namaha
Recommended for: Eyes, Reproductive Organs, Urinary Tract, Prostate,
Mouth and Throat.
Seven faced rudraksha is saptamatradhi Daivat, saptashyadevat and
saptamuni Daivat.
It symbolizes
the seven divine mothers, the seven gods and the seven Rishis (sages).
The seven divine mothers are called Saptamatrikas; the seven great
sages (stars) are called Saptarishis; and the seven gods are called
This Rudraksha represents the Goddess Mahalakshmi (the goddess of
wealth). The Goddess showers plenty of wealth, when invoked. It is
said that this is not to be worn on the body, but instead kept in
the cash box. It
releases a man from poverty and miseries. Wearing
seven mukhi rudraksha brings success, name & fame and a highly
vibrant personality.
This Rudraksha is also popularly known as Anang Shiva or Anangswarup
and is associated with Kamadeva. Those wearing seven mukhi are usually
found to be highly attractive in their circle. It also helps in attaining
attracting power.
to Padma-purana the seven divine snakes Saptanagas live in seven faces
of the seven mukhi rudraksha namely: Vasuki, Takshaka, Karkotaka,
Padmaka, Sankhapala, Gulika, Kaliya. Lord Shankar becomes pleased
by the wearer of seven mukhi rudraksha the way he is pleased by Nagaraja.
Symbol of:
Ruling Planet: Saturn (Shani)
Mantras: Om Maha-lakshmi Namah, Om Hum Namah
Recommended for: Weakness, colic pain, handicapness, pain in bone
and muscles, paralysis, long term disease, impotency, worries and
faced Rudraksha is the form of Asthamurthi Bhairav and represents
Lord Ganesha, the God of Prosperity and good fortune (Lord Shiva’s
first son). This Rudraksha has eight linings displayed on its surface.
It helps effectively in starting of a venture or a project or any
devotional activities or even in re-launching of loss making ventures.
Good for business & Prosperity. It is coupled with numerous gains
leading to physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It affects the
spread of your name abroad and brings the winning power in oneself.
One is also believed to receive wealth from unforeseen sources and
brings prosperity in business. It keeps one away from unpredictable
accident, misfortunes, obstacles and miseries. It is considered to
bring peace in home life and deemed well for starting anything in
good faith.
of: Lord Ganesha
Ruling Planet: Rahu (north Lunar node).
Mantra: Om Ganeshaya Namah,
Recommended for: Lung, feet, skin and eye catarrhisis, hydrocel, airtracia.
with nine faces is said to be the form of Bhairav and Kapilamuni.
Its Adhisthatri deity is Godess Durga, the devi who takes nine forms
called 'Navdurga', who
had nine incarnations and came to the earth nine times to protect
pious and defeat the impious.
This Rudraksha is considered to possess nine kinds of different powers
given by the nine deities called Nava-durga - and is a very powerful
kind. It should be worn with respect on the left hand. By wearing
this rudrakhsa a person becomes fearless and self confident. There
is no doubt the person who wears it will come the level of the demigods.
The wearer is blessed with energy, power, dynamism and fearlessness.
Persons who lack self-confidence and suffering from Depression should
wear this Rudraksha. Good for Reducing Physical Illness and Common
of: Goddess Durga
Ruling Planet: Ketu (south Lunar node)
Mantra: Om Hrim Hum Namaha
Recommended for: Lung diseases, fever, eye pain, bowel pain , skin
disease, body pain.
symbolizes 'Janardana', the form of Lord Vishnu (the Lord of Preservation)
and is also believed to represent Dasha-avatar meaning the ten incarnations
of Lord Vishnu. Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parasuram,
Ramachandra, Krishna, Buddha, and Kalki happily reside on ten-face
In Shiva Purana there is a detailed account of how everyone irrespective
of caste, creed, religion, nationality and gender can use ten mukhi
Rudraksha for attaining fame and success in career. Srimad Devi Bhagavatam
is full of praises on the ten mukhi Rudraksha for its divine contribution
in rescuing mankind from worldly sufferings, miseries, misfortunes,
evil power and adverse planetary effects. This Rudraksha is also considered
highly effective in social services, arts and crafts. Helps maintain
sound Mental Fitness. One who wears this has his worldly and eternal
wishes fulfilled by the blessings of Lord Mahavishnu. Excellent for
Vishnu bhaktas (devotees). Also aids in devotion and meditation. Ten
Mukhi Rudraksha is Vishnu and removes all the tears and troubles due
from bad planets, evil powers and snakes.
Symbol of: Lord Vishnu
Ruling Planet: No ruling planet
Mantra: Om Hrim Namah
for: Pacifying all the bad planets.
scriptures state that eleven mukhi Rudraksha represents the eleven
forms of Lord Shiva, of which the eleventh form is Lord Hanuman (the
God of Devotion and Victory).
Shiva also manifests himself in the forms of the eleven Rudras, which
are: (1) Kapali (2) Pingala (3) Bhima (4) Virupaksha (5) Vilohita
(6) Shasta (7) Ajapada (8) Ahirbudhanya (9) Sambhu (10) Chanda (11)
Whoever wears eleven mukhi Rudraksha, s/he shall attain all the eleven
heavenly virtues of Lord Rudra. It is considered to possess immense
power. The wearer of this Rudraksha always attains victory and wealth.
When invoked, one is blessed with wisdom, right judgement, powerful
vocabulary, adventurous life and success in all undertakings. Above
all, it also protects one from accidental death. One becomes fearless.
It also helps concentrate in meditation.
According to the ancient religious texts, several great sages have
worn eleven mukhi Rudraksha during their meditation for spiritual
quest. Moreover, it is regarded very auspicious in religious rituals.
Represents: Lord Hanuman
Ruling Planet: No ruling planet
Mantra: Om Hrim Hum Namah
Recommended for: Maintenance of entire neurophysiology.
Lord Surya, the Sun God. Srimad Devi Bhagavatam regards twelve mukhi
Rudraksha as a representation of the twelve Forms of the Sun god,
i.e. 1. Dhata, 2. Aryama, 3. Mitra, 4. Varuna, 5. Indra, 6. Vivasvan,
7. Tvashtha, 8. Vishnu, 9. Amshuman, 10. Bhaga, 11. Pusha, 12. Parjanja.
Hence, this Rudraksha is the embodiment of twelve different facets
of Lord Surya. The Twelve virtues of Surya are light of universal
friendship, light of compelling radiance, dispeller of darkness or
ignorance, shining principle, all pervading light, light of mystic
fire, golden colored one, healing gold, light obvious and subtle as
at dawn and dusk, light of the sage an aspect of Vishnu, light of
enlightenment, light that removes afflictions and brilliance the light
of intelligence. It is highly recommended for people in powerful positions.
Lord sun blesses an owner of twelve mukhi Rudraksha with a life of
a wealth, unlimited luxury and great personality. Wearing this Rudraksha
enables a human to have an ever shining appeal.
of: Lord Surya, the Sun God
Ruling Planet: Sun
Mantra: Shree Suryay Namah
Recommended for: Heart-,
Lung-, and Skin Disease, Hiatus of Stomach, Esophagus, and Bowel Problems.
represent Lord Kamadeva and Lord Indra (the King of the DemiGods).
It is a very rare bead and difficult to get, but it possesses immense
divine power and gives the eight yogic accomplishments (Siddhis, mystic
Since the ruling planet of this Rudraksha is Venus, it bestows charm,
all the worldly comforts as well as a spiritual upliftment to its
Lord Kamadev (God of Love/Lust) is also pleased with the wearer and
fulfills all his worldly desires.
The wearer of this rudraksha obtains all the pleasures of this world.
It helps in increasing the sexual power in humans and enables one
to have fit senses. If one wears this Rudraksha, it helps in obtaining
the power to fulfill sensual desires, it helps in obtaining attraction
of the opposite sex towards oneself. Therefore,
it inherits virtues like love, affection, beauty and attraction as
its attributes. It empowers a person with an ability to woo another
individual with irresistible charisma.
Thirteen mukhi Rudraksha unfolds immense spiritual gain, success,
physical and mental strength, good luck, power of authority, charismatic
personality, honor, employment opportunity, wealth, worldly pleasures,
high level of social and financial status and glory .
of: Lord Kamadeva and Lord Indra
Ruling Planet: Venus
Mantra: Om Hrim Namah
Recommended for: Meditation and spiritual attainments.
symbolizes lord Shiva. This Rudraksha is called the "Deva Mani" (the
divine gem) and is also one of the rarest Rudraksha to be found. This
Rudraksha is considered to have come directly from the eyes of Lord
Shiva who himself wears this bead. Shiva Purana praises about how
fourteen mukhi Rudraksha rules the cosmic world and humans and is
regarded as a favorite possession not just by humans but also by gods
and goddesses.
This Rudraksha should be respectfully worn on the head by every such
person who can afford it since it cleanses all sins and bestows immense
beneficiary powers. When used properly, with grace of God, the third
eye of wisdom starts functioning, and one can predict future events.
The wearer of Fourteen faced Rudraksha attains spiritual freedom and
the virtues of Lord Shiva. Ruled by the planet Saturn, this Rudraksha
helps counteract the malefic effects of Saturn.
of: Lord Shiva
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Mantra: Om Shivaya Namaha
Recommended for: Safety and riches, provides miraculous cures to several
Very rare and
special Rudraksha |
symbolizes Lord Shiva and the Goddess Parvati. Gauri Shanker Rudraksha
is a Rudraksha that looks as if two Rudraksha are joined together.
It is formed by the union of two Rudraksha and hence symbolizes Shiva
and Shakti, that is the combined form of Shiva and Parvati. It naturally
binds the two together, making it to appear as one. Purusha and Prakriti's
blessings are bestowed upon the wearer. It is believed that who wears
Gauri Shanker Rudraksha is always blessed by Lord Shiva and Goddess
Parvati. It is considered to fulfill all desires and makes the person
satisfied and contented with life. It evokes maximum positive results
and fulfills every desire if kept either inside a puja room or worn
on the body. Its use brings in family harmony, contentment, happiness
and peace. This is not only good for a happy married life but also
helpful for young unmarried youths. Good for smoothening of Planetary
Forces around Oneself and prevents from Accidents and Sudden Death.
represents Ganesh Gauri (Goddess Parvati and son Ganesh). It's like
a Gaurishankar with two Rudraksha naturally jointed, but out of two
Rudraksha one is very small with the size proportion of 9:1 (if we consider
both Rudraksha size as 10). One small Rudraksha with natural hole is
attached with the big. This Rudraksha is good for women who are pregnant.
Wearing this Rudraksha helps to maintain the normal health of the womb.
This Rudraksha helps to prevent miscarriages.
Ganesh Rudraksha:
bears a Trunk like elevation as is seen on the face of Lord Ganesha,
the son of Lord Shiva. Ganesha, the elephant-headed God of success and
overcoming obstacles, is also associated with wisdom, learning, prudence,
and power. He gives 'Riddhi-Siddhi' (His two female Consorts- spiritual
power and prosperity). He is the first to be worshipped in the beginning
of any auspicious occasion. Ganesh Rudraksha provides the wearer perfection
in every sphere of life and the grace of Lord Ganesha is received by
him. His life becomes successful. The Ganesh Rudraksha Bead is really
special due to the way it grows the thorny protrusions of the outer
surface of the Bead.
Ganesh Rudraksha with Om:
The "AUM"
has been marked with a pencil for better visibility.
Ganesh-Gauri-Shankar Rudraksha:
this is a highly auspicious Rudraksha and is very very rare. All family
members will be blessed by Lord Ganesh, Shiva and Parvati when used
for worshipping in the house.
Another Gauri-Shankar-Ganesh Rudraksha:
Trijuti Rudraksha:
A Rudraksha
of Trijuti is Bramha,Vishnu and Shiva Roopam, the combined form of Tri-Murti.
Those who hold or worship this great Rudraksha get Brahma-Gyan, the
knowledge of Brahma. The wearer is blessed by all the three Gods and
enjoys superpower in the society.
Gol-Dhana Rudraksh:
A round
shaped One mukhi Bead, very very rare. If a lucky person receives
it, he must have been blessed by Lord Shiva for many previous lifetimes.
more rare. Sometime sold for 15.000 Dollar and much more. Twenty one
mukhi rudraksha is represented by Kuvera (the celestial treasurer
of the Demigods). The wearer is blessed with immense prosperity and
fulfillment of pleasures and materialistic desires. Even if a poor
person wears it, he becomes rich. Gives the wearer immense protection
from any kind of tantra and malefics.
The faceless rudraksha - the one without line - round and perfect with
a natural hole befits its name of Nirakar Rudraksha. The wearer feels
complete and whole and the wearers charisma increases day by day making
people more receptive and acceptive to the wearer naturally. Removes
any worries from the mind on wealth and relationships. Beneficial for
stock-traders, lawyers, bankers, teachers or in those in professions
where confidence, charisma, stability and long term business or people
to people relationship is required.
Ekamukhi Rudraksh:
is Halfmoon and Kailash-Parvat on it.
with Shivalingam:
with OM:
Rudraksha (27 Faces):
Very very
very rare
The Fiveheaded
Lord Shiva (Panchanana)
Shankar Savar Rudraksha:
(more widely called Naag) stands for the cobra-snake.
Naag-Rudraksha are rare and much sought-after. Lord Shiva wears a
cobra around his neck, therefore this snakes are venerated.
can wear Rudraksha?
Rudraksha Beads help to overcome difficulties and obstacles in life,
they do not have any negative effects like gemstones and can be worn
by everyone, irrespective of sex, age, religion, culture etc.
Vishnavadidevabhaktashcha dharayeyuma samshayah
Rudrabhakto visheshena rudrakshandharayetsada
|| 62
of Vishnu and other God worshippers can also wear rudraksha, there is
no doubt about it. Devotees of Shiva especially have to daily wear rudraksha
(Shiva Mahapurana, Vidyeshwarasamhita, Chapter
25, Khanda 61 to 90).
quotes: "Na vaishnavanam-yatha-shamboh" 'There is NO Vaishnava equal
to Shamboo!'. Padma Puranam, Chapter 57: Sri Bhagavan uvaca: "If a man
always wears a Rudraksa, especially with fourteen mouths, permeated
with God's auspicious power, he is always honoured and blessed by the
demigods due to the greatness of his religious merit." -- THIS is Lord
Vishnu speaking!
Devi Bhagavat 11th Canto, Chap. 2. Lord Vishnu said: "A man wearing
fourteen mukhi Rudraksa becomes highly auspicious, like Lord Shiva.
Anyone who wears even one Rudraksha seed is always admired like saintly
men and deities and can even attain liberation."
Devi Bhagavat 11th Canto, Chapter V verse 25 to 26 it is stated, "The
desire for wearing Rudraksha is the result of attaining the perfection
of knowledge and Blessings of God during previous births."
Kevalam Vapi Yatra Kutra Mahamate
Sumantrakam Va Mantren Rahitam Bhava Varjitam
Yo Va ko Va naro Bhaktya Dharyellajjayapi Va
Sarvapap Vinirmukta Samyagjnanam An Vapnuyat
can be worn by chanting mantra or without chanting it, with reverence
or without it, with devotion or without it, with shame or without the
same i.e. with whatsoever procedure a man who wears Rudraksha gets rid
of all kinds of sins and gets knowledge as well.

of Rudraksha
Vapi chandalo Yukto Va sarvapatakai,
Rudraksha Dharayedyastu Sa Rudra Natra sanshaya
men who are Mlechchhas and Chandalas (impious, inhumane, untouchables)
and those who are full of all kinds of vices, even they will attain
to the state of Lord Rudra, by wearing Rudraksha and meditating on it.
There is no doubt about it.
dharan Henoapi Rudraksham Dharaya Budhah,
Sarvapap Vinirmukto sa yati Paramam gatim
man with meditation and perseverance and a wise man who wears Rudraksha
gets rid of all the sins accumulated and attains the supreme goal of
the human life.
origin of the Holy Rudraksha
are slightly different statements found in the different Puranas, but
the most complete account is given by Lord Shiva Himself in the
Vidyesvarasamhita Chapter 25 Parts 1 to 95
O sages formerly the greatness of Rudraksha was declared to the Goddess
by Lord Shiva, the compassionate one, for rendering help to the suffering
O Maheshani be pleased to hear the greatness of Rudraksha. I speak out
of love for the benefit of the devotees of Shiva.
5 to 7
O Maheshani formerly I had been performing penance for thousands of
divine years. Although I had performed it rigorously, my mind was in
a flutter. Out of sport I being self-possessed just opened my eyes O
Goddess from a desire of helping the worlds. Drops of tears fell from
my beautiful half closed eyes. From those tears there cropped up the
Rudraksa plants.
The wearing of the Rudraksha is recommended for the sake of destroying
sins.........meaning pain and suffering.
Compassionate Lord Shiva with eyes closed in deep Silence performing
penance was interrupted by the pain and suffering of the worlds. Acknowledging
the cause of his interrupted State of Consciousness His immediate Desire
was to help the worlds.
accomplish this task Lord Siva used the Power of Compassion and Love
from thousands of divine years of Penance. He spoke out of Love for
the devotees of Shiva. He was so aware of the pain and suffering of
the Mankind and Womankind that drops of tears fell from his beautiful
half closed eyes. His tears produced the Rudraksha plants that create
the Rudraksa Beads for the worlds to use as protective aids to destroy
pain and suffering on the path to final Liberation and Salvation.
Power and psychology behind this thinking and action is perfect. If
you take away a humans pain and suffering, then Happiness floods the
lifetime........ as Happiness and Bliss work on the Jiva or human soul,
then the experience of Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha (righteousness -
economic development - sensual enjoyment - ultimate liberation) are
into balance on a consistent basis. An example of what takes place due
to this newfound Freedom in Life is an acceleration of Spiritual Growth
in one lifetime that might normally take 10 lifetimes.
Rudraksha as described in the Shiva Mahapurana,
Vidyesvara-samhita Chapter 25 Parts 61 to 90
Panchadevapriyashchaiva sarvadevapriyastatha
Sarvamantranjapedbhakto Rudrakshamalaya priye || 61 ||
told Parvati, "My love, any God can be worshipped with the Rudraksha
which is dear to the five Gods (Panchayatan meaning Ganesha, Surya,
Devi, Vishnu and Shiva) as well as other Gods.
Vishnavadidevabhaktashcha dharayeyurna
samshayaha |
Rudrabhakto visheshena Rudrakshandharayetsada || 62 ||
of Vishnu and other Gods can also wear Rudraksha, there is no doubt
about it. Devotees of Shiva especially have to daily wear Rudraksha.
Rudraksha vividhaha protastesham bhedanvadamyaham
Shrinu parvati sadbhaktya bhuktimuktifalapradan || 63 ||
Parvati, Rudraksha are of different types. It provides salvation. I
will tell you the secrets of them. You listen carefully.
Ekavaktrah shivah sakshadbhuktimuktifalapradah
Tasya darshanamatrena brahmahatyam vyapohati || 64 ||
faced Rudraksha is Shiva himself, which provides the fruits of salvation
and liberation. Only its glimpse will rectify brahma-hatya.
Yatra sampujitastatra laxmirdurtara
nahi |
Nashyantyupadravah sarve sarvakama bhavanti hi || 65 ||
Rudraksha is worshipped, Laxmi is never far, peace will overcome tremors
and all wishes will be fulfilled.
Dvivaktro devadeveshah sarvakamafalapradah
Visheshatah sa Rudraksho govadham nashayeddrutam || 66 ||
faced Rudraksha fulfills ones wishes. This is the form of Devdeveshwar.
It immediately purifies the sin of killing a cow.
Trivaktro yo hi Rudrakshah sakshatsadhanadah
sada |
Tatprabhavadbhaveyurvai vidhyah sarvah pratishthitah || 67 ||
faced Rudraksha directly delivers the fruits of sadhana. All education
are distinguished by its effect.
Charturvaktrah svayam brahma narahatyam
vyapohati |
Darshanatsparshanatsadyaschaturvargafalapradah || 68 ||
faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Brahma. It eliminates the sin of
human killing. Its darshan (glimpse) delivers the fruits of religion,
wealth, sex and moksha.
Panchavaktrah svayam rudrah kala-agnir
namatah prabhu |
Sarvamuktipradashchaiva sarvakamafalapradah || 69 ||
faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Kala-agni Rudra. This Rudraksha
delivers all liberation and fulfills all wishes.
Agamyagamanam papamabhakshayasya cha
bhakshanam |
Ityadisarvapapani panchavaktro vyapohati || 70 ||
arising from adultery and consuming uneatable foods are rinsed by five
faced Rudraksha
Shadvaktrah kartikeyastu dharanaddakshine
bhuje |
Brahmahatyadikai: papairmuchyate natra samshayah || 71 ||
faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Kartikeya. This has to be worn on
the right hand. There is no doubt that it rinses the sin of Brahma-hatya.
Saptavaktro maheshani hyanango nama
namatah |
Dharanattasya deveshi daridropishvaro bhawet || 72 ||
Parvati, the seven faced Rudraksha is the form of Ananga. Wearing this
makes one God out of pauper
Rudrakshaschastavaktrashcha vasumurtishcha
bhairava |
Dharanattasya purnayurmrito bhavati shulabhrit || 73 ||
faced Rudraksha is the form of Asthamurthi Bhairav. Attiring this Rudraksha
delivers complete life span and even after death one attains to the
form of Trishuldhari Shiva
Bhairavo navavaktrashcha kapilashcha
munih smritah |
Durga va tadadhishthatri navarupa maheshvari || 74 ||
with nine faces is said to be the form of Bhairav and Kapilamuni. Its
Adhisthatri deity is Godess Durga, the devi who takes nine forms.
Tam dharayedwamahaste Rudraksham bhaktitatparah
Sarveshvaro bhawenunam mama tulyo na samshayah || 75 ||
nine faced Rudraksha is to be worn with respect on the left hand. There
is no doubt the person who wears it will become almighty and of my level.
Dashavaktro maheshani svayam devo
janardanah |
Dharanattasya deveshi sarvankamanavapnuyat || 76 ||
Maheshwari, the ten faced Rudraksha is the form of Lord Janardan himself.
It completes all works.
Ekadashamukho yastu Rudrakshah parmeshvari
Sa rudro dharanattasya sarvatra vijayi bhavet || 77 ||
Parameshwari, the eleven faced Rudraksha is the form of Rudra. A male
attiring it will attain the qualities of Rudra and gain victory on all.
Dvadashasyam tu Rudraksham dharayetkeshadeshake
Adityashchiva te sarve dvadashaiva sthitastatha || 78 ||
faced Rudraksha is equivalent to dwadasa-aditya, the twelve forms of
the Sungod Surya. This Rudraksha is to be worn on the hair.
Trayodashamukho vishvedevastaddharanannarah
Sarvankamanavapnoti saubhagyam mangalam labhet || 79 ||
faced Rudraksha is the form of Vishvedeva. Person who attires this Rudraksha
will have all wishes fulfilled and gain good fortune and luck.
Chaturdashamukho yo hi Rudrakshah
paramah shivah |
Dharayenmurghina tam bhaktya sarvapapam pranasyati || 80 ||
faced Rudraksha is the form of great Shiva. It should respectfully be
worn on the head which will cleanse all sins.
Eti Rudrakshabheda hi proktta vai
mukhabhedatah |
Tattanmantraanchhrinu pritya krama achchhaileshvara atmaje || 81 ||
Parvati, daughter of Giriraj. I have described the secrets of fourteen
Rudraksha. Now you also listen to the mantras of the fourteen Rudraksha
Om hrim namah, (2) Om namah, (3) Om klim namah,
(4) Om hrim namah, (5) Om hrim namah,
(6) Om hrim hum namah, (7) Om hum namah,
(8) Om hum namah, (9) Om hrim hum namah,
(10) Om hrim namah, (11) Om hrim hum namah,
(12) Om kraum kshaum raum namah,
(13) Om hrim namah, (14) Om namah
Bhaktishraddha yutashchaiva sarvakamarthasiddhaye |
Rudrakshandharayenmantrairdevanalasya varjitah || 82 ||
behind sleep and laziness, one faced to fourteen faced Rudraksha should
be attired with the aforementioned mantras with devotion to fulfill
wishes and gain wealth.
Vina mantrena yo dhatte Rudraksham
bhuvi manavah |
Sa yati narakam ghoram yavadindrashchaturdasha || 83 ||
person, who wears the Rudraksha without mantra in this earth, will go
to hell for 14 tenures of Indra or one Kalpa.
Rudrakshamalinam dristva bhootpretpishachakah
Dakini shakini chaiva ye chanye dhrohakaraka || 84 ||
evil spirits, witches etc flees from the person wearing a Rudraksha.
Kritimanchaiva yatkichidabhicharadikancha
yat |
Tatsarvam durato yati dristva shankitavigraham || 85 ||
and other artificial thoughts and deeds will also be afraid and stay
at bay.
Rudrakshaamalinam dristva shivo vishnu:
prasidati |
Devi ganapatih suryah surashchanyepi parvati || 86 ||
Parvati, Lords Siva, Vishnu, Devi, Ganesh, Surya and other Gods also
will be pleased to see a person who wears a Rudraksha
Awam gyatva tu mahatmyam Rudrakshasya
maheshvari |
Samyagdharyah samantrashcha bhaktya dharmavivriddhaye || 87 ||
Maheshwari, Knowing the importance of the Rudraksha, it should be worn
methodically with devotion and mantras for the extension of religion.
Ityukttam girijagre hi shivena paramatmana
BhasmaRudrakshaamahatmyam bhuktimuktifalapradam || 88 ||
the almighty Lord Shiva himself explained the greatness of the Bhasma
and Rudraksha to Parvati.
Shivasyatipriyau gyeyau bhasmaRudrakshaadharinau
Taddhamaprabhavaddhi bhuktirmuktirna samshaya || 89 ||
has to be known that the person who wears a bhasma and Rudraksha is
very dear to Lord Shiva.
BhasmaRudrakshaadhari yah shivabhaktah
sa uchyate |
Panchaksharam japasaktah paripurnashcha sanmukhe || 90 ||
is no doubt that wearing bhasma (sacred ash) and Rudraksha delivers
liberation !
| | | | |
The wearer gains power of knowledge (Buy Rudraksha Online ) and creativity when blessed.
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